
Our church caters for children each week by providing Sabbath School classes for several age groups:

  • Teens (14-17)
  • Junior (10-13)
  • Primary (6-9)
  • Kindergarten (4-5)
  • Beginners (0-3)

The weekly children Sabbath School (Bible study) classes each week contain songs, crafts, quizzes, games and Bible stories. They are run from 9:30am to 10:40am, before the Worship Service and 11am.

Children are invited to join their parents during the Worship Service where there will be a children's story, KidsPack and SermonDraw activity for them.


Adventurer Club is a program designed by the Seventh Day Adventist church and organised by local churches. Designed for kids aged 4-9, Adventurers offers a variety of activities in a fun and creative atmosphere. This gathering is organised for children to have a bible-based, family oriented and Jesus-centered program which will teach and guide children through their early years, giving them something meaningful to do in those hours after church. The activities range from games and crafts to nature exploration and family camping. They will learn about their God-given abilities and how to use them to help others. Children will be guided by their class teachers to create meaningful social relationships, participate in meaningful activities, build courage and develop new life skills as well as collect little triangle badges in the form of awards to show their achievements.


Pathfinders, a programs similar to Scouts, are designed for for 10-16-year-olds to socialise with each other as well as learn and develop life skills. Run by qualified and committed leaders of the church, Pathfinders participate in a range of activities, including -

  • Knot Tying 
  • Abseiling
  • Canoeing
  • Camping and hiking
  • Crafts

They also learn to develop important life values such as teamwork, commitment and self-respect.

Honour badges can be earned for completing requirements on specific topics in the areas or nature, craft and recreation, and at the end of each year Pathfinder clubs present awards to Pathfinders on achievement of various skills.

Violin classes 

 Talk to Phillip Vuong for more information