姜盈盈感恩音乐演Jane's Thanksgiving Musical Concert (12 July 2020)

14 Jul 2020

背景故事 Background Story

因爲新冠疫情 盈盈的雙親們失去了工作和收入
Due to COVID-19, Jane's parents lost their jobs and income
希望藉由這次網上音樂會 我們可以幫助盈盈繼續完成學業
We hope to support Jane in finishing her education by hosting this virtual fundraiser recital
盈盈將以她精湛的琴藝 帶來一場音樂盛宴 答謝大家的支持與幫助
Jane will bring an unforgettable musical feast to all attendees as a return for everyone’s kindness and support

若您希望贊助捐款 If you’d like to donate to the fundraiser:
谢谢大家 Thank you